Hallowed Cross


I haven’t had any days in recent memory as perfect as this fall All Hallow’s Eve day of racing. It might have been having my family there to support and getting the chance to watch my son race his second bike/cross race ever. It might have been the teammates and friends surrounding a full day of this fall festivus. It might have been the spirited costumes that reminded all of us that it’s all about having a good time. Or it might have been about a course that I truly enjoyed the heck out of. I’m 50 years old. 50 pounds overweight and at least a couple minutes a lap out of any chance of finishing with the leaders. Why do I continue to put myself through this? Because…

today I raced with aliens and predators.

alien tandem











Because It’s not everyday you get the chance to be part of Prince’s and the Animal’s entourage.

(Oh and yeah that is a purple bike with  fairing and functional headlight!)

Prince and Animal cross











Because I got heckled by Da Coach.

Da Coach at Cross











Cause I had a chance to roll with Stormtroopers.

Stormin Cross







I realized why hell hath no fury like women racing cross.








I learned a lesson on crushing souls and winning races.

(although I’d need his lessons and his legs to give me a chance)








Saw some strange things.










Raced with great friends.













And finally, brought more cowbell to my son’s cheering section!

Kid Cross








This was Halloween Cross… and THIS is why we race cyclocross!




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